
NativeMediaPlayer is a bridge class that calls native APIs. It can be initiated manually by using the NativeMediaPlayer API below, or automatically by using MNPSettings.




using NativeMediaPlayerCenter;



void Init(Playlist playlist, string listenerName, bool playWhenReady) Initiate the plugin with a default playlist

listenerName is name of the GameObject which has MediaEventListener.cs, and playWhenReady is player starts playing upon the plugin initiation
void Prepare(Playlist playlist, string listenerName, bool playWhenReady) Prepare a new playlist
void Play() Starts or resumes playback
void Pause() Pauses playback
void Stop() Stops playback
void Previous() Seeks to the previous MediaItem
void Next() Seeks to the next MediaItem
void FastForward() Seeks forward in the current MediaItem by SeekIncrement (seconds)
void Rewind() Seeks backward in the current MediaItem by SeekIncrement (seconds)
void SeekTo(float time) Seeks to a position specified in seconds in the current MediaItem
float GetDuration() Get the total duration of your current media item
float GetCurrentPosition() Get the current position of your current media item
bool HasPreviousMediaItem() Returns whether a previous media item exists, which may depend on the current repeat mode and whether shuffle mode is enabled
bool HasNextMediaItem() Returns whether a next media item exists, which may depend on the current repeat mode and whether shuffle mode is enabled
string RetrieveAlbumTitle() Returns a natively retrieved AlbumTitle of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveAlbumArtist() Returns a natively retrieved AlbumArtist of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveTitle() Returns a natively retrieved Title of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveArtist() Returns a natively retrieved Artist of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveGenre() Returns a natively retrieved Genre of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveReleaseDate() Returns a natively retrieved ReleaseDate of the current MediaItem
string RetrieveArtwork() Returns a natively retrieved Artwork data of the current MediaItem in base64 string format



bool isInit (read-only) Returns true if the plugin has been initiated
bool AutoSave Set this true if you want the player to automatically save and load following variables

float NativeMediaPlayer.Volume
int NativeMediaPlayer.RepeatMode
bool NativeMediaPlayer.ShuffleModeEnabled
int NativeMediaPlayer.CurrentMediaItemIndex
bool isPlaying (read-only)  Returns true if the player is playing
bool isLoading (read-only)  Returns true if the player is loading a MediaItem
int RepeatMode Get or set the repeat mode

int RepeatMode.Disabled = 0
int RepeatMode.RepeatOne = 1  
int RepeatMode.RepeatAll = 2   
bool ShuffleModeEnabled Get or set the shuffle mode
float Volume Get or set the player volume
Playlist CurrentPlaylist (read-only)  Returns the current playlist
UriType CurrentUriType (read-only)  Returns the current UriType of the current playlist
int GetCurrentMediaItemIndex (read-only)  Returns the index number of the current MediaItem
int[] GetShuffleOrder (read-only)  Returns the current play order
string Error (read-only)  Returns the lastest error message
int SeekIncrement (read-only)  Returns the seek increment
int PreBufferDuration (read-only)  Returns the pre-buffer duration



NMPSettings automates the initiation process of the NativeMediaPlayer, and also configure its default values.